About Oasis Auto Spa

Oasis Auto Spa car washes are family owned and operated car care facilities. We take pride in offering our customers a clean and safe environment while utilizing the latest in car wash technology.

Our Equipment is provided by one of the industry leaders and delivers fast, clean, dry vehicles.

We feature soft-touch, touch-free or both types of automatics at our locations along with self service bays and vacuums. 

Our Philosophy is "Give the customer a great experience and they will want to come back", and that is what we strive to do. We use only the highest quality chemicals, which in turn produce the cleanest and shiniest vehicles.

All Locations are open 24/7, 365 days per year. All our washes are located in Southeast Kansas and Southwest Missouri.

Oasis Auto Spa Joplin - 1919 East 20th Street Joplin, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Pittsburg North  -- 2502 North Broadway Pittsburg, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Pittsburg South - 306 East Centennial Drive Pittsburg, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Galena -- 510 E. 7th  St. Galena, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Car Junction -- 323 Fir Road Car Junction, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Diamond -- 100 Market Street Diamond, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Neosho -- 1849 industrial Drive Neosho, MO.


Customer Service Line: 620-281-1205

Email: wm@oasiscws.com

Our Washes Include

The Works $15                                                    Ultimate $12                                                   Deluxe $10                                                   Express $8

- Chrome & Glass Cleaner                                      - Chrome and Glass Cleaner                        - Chrome and Glass Cleaner                         - Hot Foamy Presoak

- Wheel Wash                                                           - Wheel Wash                                                  - Wheel Wash                                             - Wheel Wash

- Hot Foamy Presoak                                              - Hot Foamy Presoak                                      - Hot Foamy Presoak                                   - High Pressure Rinse

- Underbody Wash                                                  - Underbody Wash                                           - Underbody Wash                                        - Spot Free Rinse

- High Pressure Rinse                                             - High Pressure Rinse                                     - High Pressure Rinse                                   Add Ons

- Triple Foam Shine                                                 - Clear Coat Protectant                                   - Spot Free Rinse                                         - Hot Water $3

- Tru Pearl Polish                                                   - Spot Free Rinse                                                - Blow Dry                                                    - Hot Wax $4

- Spot Free Rinse                                                    - Blow Dry                                                              Add Ons                                                   - Underbody Wash $2

- Blow Dry                                                               Add Ons                                                             - Hot Water $3                                             - Triple Foam Shine $2

Add Ons                                                                 - Hot Water $3                                                    - Hot Wax $4

- Hot Water $3                                                         - Hot Wax $4                                                 - Triple Foam Shine $2

- Hot Wax $4                                                           - Triple Foam Shine $2                                    - Tru Pearl Polish $2

                                                                                  - Tru Pearl Polish $2

Prices and features vary by location.

Oasis Auto Spa Joplin - 1919 East 20th Street Joplin, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Pittsburg North  -- 2502 North Broadway Pittsburg, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Pittsburg South - 306 East Centennial Drive Pittsburg, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Galena -- 510 E. 7th  St. Galena, KS.

Oasis Auto Spa Car Junction -- 323 Fir Road Car Junction, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Diamond -- 100 Market Street Diamond, MO.

Oasis Auto Spa Neosho -- 1849 industrial Drive Neosho, MO.

Check out what our wash club has to offer

Save money and wash as often as needed for one low month price. (some restrictions apply)

The Works $34.99 plus tax per month

Ultimate $29.99 plus tax per month

Deluxe $24.99 plus tax per month


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is my membership month-to-month? A: Yes. No long-term contract. Remain a member as long as you like.

Q: Is my credit card charged monthly? A: Yes. Your credit card will be automatically charged each month.

Q: Does each of my vehicles need it's own membership? A: Yes. They can all be on the same card, but each must have it's own membership.

Q: How often can I use the wash? A: Multiple times per month (some restrictions apply)

Q: Can I cancel my membership? Yes, using the smart phone app.

Terms And Conditions -

* Wash Club monthly wash fee will be automatically charged to the customer's credit card on the day of the sign up every month.

* In the event a customer would like to cancel the pass you must notify Oasis Auto Spa 7 days prior to the billing date or you can be charged for that month. 

* You cannot cancel within the first 30 days of enrollment

* Wash Club wash passes are intended for a single vehicle ONLY. Fraud will result in immediate termination of the pass and all of the money will be forfeited. 

* Oasis Auto Spa reserves the right to close due to inclement weather, major holidays, or due to maintenance tasks.

* It is the customer's responsibility to provide and maintain a valid email address to Oasis Auto Spa for any necessary correspondence.



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1909 East 12th Street

GALENA, KS 66739

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